Activating the Law of Attraction (Unabridged)
Law of attraction videos
the universal law of attraction
Activating the Law of Attraction (Unabridged)
Mastering the Law of Attraction: Eleven Transformational Steps to Creating an Extraordinary Life
Have you already discovered the law of attraction but still experience difficulty achieving all you desire in life? Mastering the Law of Attraction outlines eleven steps that will help you master applying this ageless universal law. Put the steps into practice to achieve all that you desire…be prepared to live the best life you can possibly live! These transformational steps will take you to a highly evolved and enlightened state of mind -- an optimally peaceful and positive mental state that will ultimately attract your greatest life. Unleash your past. Do not be chained by past experiences Stop struggling and easily let go of negative feelings Uncover what you truly do want in life Discover your true purpose on this earth Transform every negative in your life into a positive Achieve and enjoy everything you desire in life Mastering the Law of Attraction is an essential read for those who are prepared and ready to live an extraordinary life!
Customer Review: Simple yet Profoundly Transformational Tools!
Thank you Sonia this is a profoundly transformational book with tools and tips to really understand how to get "The Law of Attraction" working for you. I love the way you have written it - so easy and simple to read and implement into our lives. Thank you for sharing tools to uplift and transform our lives! I love this book!
A really great read and highly recommended!
Author, Melbourne, Australia
Ask, and It Is Given - Unabridged (The Law of Attraction, Part I)
This 4-CD program, which encompasses Part I of the best-selling book "Ask and It Is Given", presents the teachings of the nonphysical entity Abraham. At the heart of these teachings is the most powerful Law of the Universe: The Law of Attraction.
The Law of Attraction 101: The Secret Power Of Your Thoughts
So What Do You Want? The question begs an answer. The Law Of Attraction 101: The Secret Power Of Your Thoughts; gives you powerful insight in creating and manifesting your dreams, desires, and goals. This little 80 page pocket sized book is intense, and provokes a whole new thought process, which is the foundation for The Law Of Attraction. It probes with a series of 20 life changing questions, designed to challenge and track your attraction progress unlocking this powerful omniscient secret of the Universe. Have you ever wondered how the rich get richer or, how those who constantly speak and worry about not having enough money, never seem to have any? Have you ever notice how those who dwell on sickness never get well? Then there are those who always joke about lack and limitations, not understanding the power of their words. It s you thoughts. Yes, your thoughts that create your reality. Thoughts create things, For what you think about the most, you bring about. This book includes several life lessons in the power of deliberate creation. Life Coach and author, Ehryck F. Gilmore,CH answers all of these questions and more in this handy little pocket edition reference book. This book clearly defines how anyone can easily live a life filled with prosperity, success, perfect health and abundance. The Law Of Attraction 101 is now your blueprint, your guide to personal growth and positive change in every aspect of your life.
Customer Review: Law of Attraction 101
Not very impressed with this book. It was a very short read most of the book pages were filled with affirmations. Not much to it.
Customer Review: Easy read
Easily understandable writings compared to a lot of the literature out there for the Law of Attraction. Highly recommended to those that liked The Secret.
The Law of Attraction: or Thought Vibration in the Thought World
William Walker Atkinson was an influential member of the New Thought movement. He was one of the first people to write about the Law of Attraction. Long before Rhonda Byrne discovered the secret that one's positive thoughts are powerful magnets that attract wealth, health, and happiness, Atkinson already knew it.
The Law of Attraction In Action 2-DVD: Episode II
Law of Attraction
Customer Review: Another Great Romance
Great book!! Good beginning and Good end!!!
Keeps you going all the way through. Way to go again Penny!!
Customer Review: Law of Attraction a Boring Affair
Penny Jordan's Law of Attraction left a lot to be desired. The book begins slowly and crawls along at a snails pace. Charlotte, is full of self-doubt and is entirely self-centered. Daniel tries to be noble which is unlike most of the male characters in the Harlequin Presents series. The two characters don't interact enough in the story for it to be a plausible romance. Ms. Jordan spends to much time focusing on Charlotte's self-doubts instead of on the relationship between the two characters.
The Law of Attraction in Action...
The Law of Attraction is the most magical, powerful, and exciting law of the Universe. Learning to use it to your best advantage is the challenge. You have found the missing key. It is subconscious programming. Unless you clear your underlying beliefs about your abilities to be, do, or have anything you want, and unless you have programmed your deep inner mind to be the type of person for whom the Law of Attraction works in the best way possible, it just might be that since finding out about the LoA, you still haven't received all that you were hoping to. That is where we come in. My partner, Kent Ogletree and I, Certified Hypnotherapists, have created a state-of-the-art, delightful, and empowering dual-induction programming CD that, if you listen to it and avail yourself of the online tools to help you change your beliefs (included at no extra cost), you will become the type of person for whom the Law of Attraction works in the best way possible. Permanently. You won't have to worry whether you are using the LoA to your maximum advantage, because it will be automatic for you to do so. Learning that the Law of Attraction could help you: Great. Finding out that there was a missing piece of subconscious programming: Freeing. Using our CD to finally help you do, be,or have anything you want: Priceless.
Customer Review: Great CD!!!
Hi Stephanie,
I just wanted to give you an update as to how I believe your CD has worked for me so far.
While listening to the CD I saw myself having a conversation with a woman that is becoming a partner of mine. In our last meeting she stated that she didn't want to charge for our services. That she wanted to give it away. (We will be working with Children that have learning disabilities and she just wants to help.) I thought long and hard about this and it just didn't sit well with me. I saw myself having a conversation with her explaining that we needed to charge and I saw this conversation going very well. So having said that, I met with her the next day at a local Starbucks. She sat down and before I could begin to tell her what was on my mind (and before she even got her coffee) she started to tell me that she thinks we should have a fee for our services and that she was wrong to think otherwise!! I looked at her and giggled and just was amazed at how easily this had happened. I shared with her that I had meditated on the fact that we would come to an agreement and she would understand why we needed to charge. She and I had a fantastic meeting and it went so well! I just had to giggle throughout the day as to how easily this had worked out for me.
I am so happy to say that I really believe that your CD helped me to manifest this going so well! Thank you for your gift and I look forward to giving you more testimonials!!!
Blessed not stressed,
Customer Review: Law of Attraction in Action
Bravo !!!!
Without a doubt this is the BEST Program that I have heard yet on the Law of Attraction. What I find so very different about this CD is that it not only gives you the theory behind Manifesting your desires, but it also sends you soaring into the emotions that drive the vibrations through the roof of good feelings. It is the good feelings that are the vehicle which is needed to get you to your desired outcomes. Other programs seem to tell you what needs to be done and why, but fail to provide the means of getting you to your Desired Destination. It is like having a luxury sports car with the gas tank empty, and no gas station in sight.
This CD not only provides the luxury sports car, but fills the tank and even pushes the gas pedal for you. All you have to do is relax and know where you want to go, and it gives you the means of getting there effortlessly.
I absolutely Love this Program.
Paulina Want, LCSW, MSW, MS (Sports Psych)
(EFT, NLP, Hypnosis, EMDR, Pranic Healing, Silva Mind Control Grad, etc. )
Little Reminders: The Law of Attraction: 36 Oracle Cards to Guide You to Wealth and Prosperity (Little Reminders)
Empowering Thoughts: The Secret of Rhonda Byrne or The Law of Attraction in The Torah, Talmud & Zohar - Receive whatever you want !
Empowering Thoughts:The Secret or The Law of Attraction in The Torah, Talmud & Zohar - Receive whatever you want !
by Rabbi Avraham Tzvi Schwartz
"The Secret of Recieve whatever you want" or "The Law of Attraction" is not a new concept.
In fact,it isn't a secret at all.
This Secret was first promulgated by some of the earliest wise men, and it appears again and again throughout the Torah,Talmud and Zohar.
But very few people have learned or understand it.That's why it's unfamiliar to many and the reason it remains virtually a secret.
This work is a collection of pieces on how to receive all we wish to receive - "all" here meaning all!
The key lies in holding empowered thoughts in our mind. Such thoughts, in and of themselves, are a type of prayer, and with such prayer we release every type of goodness into our lives; with such mental images we unleash the very power of Creation.
Customer Review: Empowering Book
When you read this book, all will be revealed to you, it is a powerful, book full of knowledge and wisdom ,written by a man with great insight,that will empower the reader to receive whatever they want from this world
The Secret Revealed: Exposing the Truth About the Law of Attraction
Just as Dan Browns The Da Vinci Code challenged orthodox Christian theology and impacted millions around the world, Rhonda Byrnes The Secret is sweeping North Americaand engendering its own controversy. Now James L. Garlow and Rick Marschall illuminate The Secrets errors and dangers in The Secret Revealed. Instead of self-help promises, it offers readers centuries-old principles from a biblical perspective on the real secret to successthe truth of Gods love and divine providence. The Secret Revealed will leave readers with hope and a rock-solid philosophy to effectively build their lives.
Customer Review: The Hypocrisy is Too Rich!
As someone with a functioning brain and critical thinking skills, I have long since thought of the "The Secret" as narcissistic, morally bankrupt and ridiculously inane. How even a ten-year old can believe in the Secret is beyond me. So I enjoyed SOME of the critique presented in this book, but the hypocrisy is laugh out loud hilarious!!!!! Um, let's see, The Secret is hogwash becuase it's not based on facts and scientific evidence, it involves mystical forces, and is supported by a herd mentality. So instead let's believe in a supernatural being and the numerous writings of people who lived thousands of years ago. Yup. So much more logical. Now if only we could Richard Dawkins to dissect THIS book, we'd be finally getting to the real truth. But that's obviously not of interest to these authors.
Customer Review: Requires Study
I think a lot of the negative reviews of "The Secret Revealed" are the result of the very difficult writing. Garlow and Marschall are deep thinkers - highly educated men, and their writing reflects it. Laypersons like me will struggle with many of the concepts in the book (I needed a dictionary!).
I watched the movie a long time ago - before the book came out. I had a lot of issues that I couldn't quite put my finger on - but I knew as I watched that there was something very wrong going on. Prior to "The Secret", I had read many works of the past 120 years and saw the familiar concepts. "The Secret Revealed" will help you identify exactly what's wrong with the "Law of Attraction".
The way I see it, Byrne's "The Secret" makes unfounded claims based on ignorance and half-truths. Byrne capitalizes on our naivet� and uses it to lead people down a dangerous road.
Garlow and Marschall expose these unfounded claims and half-truths, and in doing so, alienate a lot of readers who simply aren't prepared for such an in-depth academic study.
As I struggled to read - and re-read - the chapters of "The Secret Revealed", I was rewarded with insights, understanding and clarity about what's going on in the minds of Byrne and 'law of attraction' disciples.
The greatest reward of being diligent to the end of the book is discovering the real potential of God's creation - that what we are seeking in "The Secret" can be attained through the One true God of the Bible when we begin to view things from a scriptural and eternal perspective. You need to read the whole book to get to this reward - the premises are important for you to appreciate the concept of a God who loves you and has paid the highest price ever for you - and how embracing the 'law of attraction' is turning your back on God.
Burying the Secret: The Road to Ruin Is Paved with Books about the Law of Attraction
Feverish compliance with the law of attraction in the 1980s left the author dead broke for 17 years and in a wheelchair by 2002, due to unanticipated medical conditions.
When Rhonda Byrne's The Secret muscled its way into the media in early 2007, the author's unpleasant memories morphed into a pressing need to complete the book she started during her perilous law-of-attraction period. Over a 10-year span, the author had read 300+ metaphysical books that inadvertently challenged The Secret's core message: Just focus on what you want and it will quickly manifest.
Burying The Secret was primarily inspired by Eastern thought, mysticism, and psychological matters as they relate to spirituality. The author learned about other elements at work, such as the laws governing cause and effect, transition, and suffering. She also discovered key influences on our soul's development, such as learning lessons, voluntary acts of redemption, sacrifice, and free will.
Burying The Secret indicts The Secret for its refusal to acknowledge that unanswered prayers are the norm and for its unfathomable premise: The law of attraction thrives as an independent force. Please email Babblingbooks at for a free PDF with 64 pages of excerpts. Please allow 72 hours for fulfillment.
This book is dedicated to everyone whose dreams and aspirations have been postponed indefinitely by life's inevitable detours.
An older soul with a pitiful level of evolution is like the high school thug, slumped in the back row, who tunes out the teacher. All the students are exposed to the same resources, but not everyone takes advantage of them. - Burying the Secret
Customer Review: A different way to view the law of attraction
Reviewed by Paige Lovitt for Reader Views (2/08)
In "Burying the Secret," Carol Rutter shares her story with us of how the Law of Attraction did not work for her. For years, she adhered to this idea, but things got worse and worse for her. When she started researching psychology, mysticism and Eastern thought, she realized that not all prayers are to be answered for a variety of reasons. She states, "The Secret" fails to acknowledge that unanswered petitions are the norm because fulfillment of the most dramatic or life-changing prayers usually conflict with our karmic standing and/or purpose in life..."
This really makes a lot of sense to me, especially after reading her book. She extensively researches the other areas mentioned above and references them so that you can further review her discussion. In her writings you discover why bad things happen to good people and you see good things happening to bad people. She really makes a lot of sense.
I enjoyed "The Secret" to the point that I read it, watched it, and went to a conference on it. Even though, I am a fan of "The Secret," I had a lot of questions in my mind; that she addresses. These questions and thoughts were lurking in the back of my mind, because I was afraid if I verbalized them, then I would be cancelling the Law of Attraction. After reading, "Burying the Secret," I feel like I have a greater understanding of how things really work.
I highly recommend "Burying the Secret" to people who are familiar or interested in "The Secret" or the Law of Attraction. It will help provide some balanced ideas to people who are on their spiritual quest. It will definitely help you understand why karmic law and/or prayer, does not always allow our prayers to be answered. Reading this book made me feel so much more positive about the path that I am on.
Customer Review: Inspiration is where you find it
I was intrigued by Carol Rutter's Burying the Secret, because I have read works on esoteric and mystical spirituality. First in studying intuition to enhance jazz improvisation, then as a means of evolving along my Christian pathway.
I had time to read this carefully as I recovered from surgery and reflected upon the circumstances in my life.
While, ostensibly, this book is an indictment of a pop psychology/light metaphysics light book, The Secret, the far-ranging work became much more to me.
I benefited from in depth treatments of the psychological aspects of parent child relations, a general treatment of Jungian psychology, particularly the collective unconscious, a short, but effective synopsis of Caroline Myss's work on recovering from wounds and intriguing sections later in the book on universal laws as she discerned them.
I also found her biographical sections on her life's lessons, how difficult it was to learn them and why "The Secret" was not effective for her to ring true and hold inspiration for me.
While I am not ready to embrace her more esoteric ideas, such as the Akashic records, definitive treatments of pre-birth activities, the fact is, I got plenty of inspiration from her words.
For example, Karmic debts and releases seems the same thing that the Bible describes as "whatever a man sows, this he will also reap". The human condition is to evolve. Whether the lessons are sent by a benevolent universe, as she believes, or all part of God's plan, as I believe, the individual must accept responsibility for their human and spiritual evolution and discerning and acting upon their purpose in life. Like Ms. Rutter and myself, people who do not want to learn life's lessons will be given repeat opportunities to learn them.
I do not believe that one book can an all-purpose spiritual and evolutionary guide, except maybe the Bible. However, one idea can inspire an individual to critically examine beliefs and behavior and make a change. There were many such ideas in this book. I received plenty of helpful inspiration and I can enthusiastically recommend this book.
I also want to say that there is a marvelous exercise in self understanding in an appendix near the end of the book.
The Power of Mentorship and The Law of Attraction
In this volume you will learn about the extraordinary secret used by the greatest thinkers of all time called the law of attraction. Thomas Edison, Albert Einstein, Henry Ford, and Andrew Carnegie used this secret. Now 19 of the most powerful mentors of our day including Bob Proctor, John Assaraf, Denis Waitley, Jim Rohn, and Brian Tracy come together to bring you the dynamic secrets of the law of attraction. What you believe creates what you have What you think about determines what you get What you want, you can have...if you the know the secret
Customer Review: Understanding the Secret
This is one of the best books I have ever read on the law of attraction. It gives clear instructions on how to apply this law to your life.
Eric Davis
Success Coach
Burying the Secret: The Road to Ruin Is Paved with Books about the Law of Attraction
Feverish compliance with the law of attraction in the 1980s left the author dead broke for 17 years and in a wheelchair by 2002, due to unanticipated medical conditions.
When Rhonda Byrne's The Secret muscled its way into the media in early 2007, the author's unpleasant memories morphed into a pressing need to complete the book she started during her perilous law-of-attraction period. Over a 10-year span, the author had read 300+ metaphysical books that inadvertently challenged The Secret's core message: Just focus on what you want and it will quickly manifest.
Burying The Secret was primarily inspired by Eastern thought, mysticism, and psychological matters as they relate to spirituality. The author learned about other elements at work, such as the laws governing cause and effect, transition, and suffering. She also discovered key influences on our soul's development, such as learning lessons, voluntary acts of redemption, sacrifice, and free will.
Burying The Secret indicts The Secret for its refusal to acknowledge that unanswered prayers are the norm and for its unfathomable premise: The law of attraction thrives as an independent force. Please email Babblingbooks at for a free PDF with 64 pages of excerpts. Please allow 72 hours for fulfillment.
This book is dedicated to everyone whose dreams and aspirations have been postponed indefinitely by life's inevitable detours.
An older soul with a pitiful level of evolution is like the high school thug, slumped in the back row, who tunes out the teacher. All the students are exposed to the same resources, but not everyone takes advantage of them. - Burying the Secret
Customer Review: A different way to view the law of attraction
Reviewed by Paige Lovitt for Reader Views (2/08)
In "Burying the Secret," Carol Rutter shares her story with us of how the Law of Attraction did not work for her. For years, she adhered to this idea, but things got worse and worse for her. When she started researching psychology, mysticism and Eastern thought, she realized that not all prayers are to be answered for a variety of reasons. She states, "The Secret" fails to acknowledge that unanswered petitions are the norm because fulfillment of the most dramatic or life-changing prayers usually conflict with our karmic standing and/or purpose in life..."
This really makes a lot of sense to me, especially after reading her book. She extensively researches the other areas mentioned above and references them so that you can further review her discussion. In her writings you discover why bad things happen to good people and you see good things happening to bad people. She really makes a lot of sense.
I enjoyed "The Secret" to the point that I read it, watched it, and went to a conference on it. Even though, I am a fan of "The Secret," I had a lot of questions in my mind; that she addresses. These questions and thoughts were lurking in the back of my mind, because I was afraid if I verbalized them, then I would be cancelling the Law of Attraction. After reading, "Burying the Secret," I feel like I have a greater understanding of how things really work.
I highly recommend "Burying the Secret" to people who are familiar or interested in "The Secret" or the Law of Attraction. It will help provide some balanced ideas to people who are on their spiritual quest. It will definitely help you understand why karmic law and/or prayer, does not always allow our prayers to be answered. Reading this book made me feel so much more positive about the path that I am on.
Customer Review: Inspiration is where you find it
I was intrigued by Carol Rutter's Burying the Secret, because I have read works on esoteric and mystical spirituality. First in studying intuition to enhance jazz improvisation, then as a means of evolving along my Christian pathway.
I had time to read this carefully as I recovered from surgery and reflected upon the circumstances in my life.
While, ostensibly, this book is an indictment of a pop psychology/light metaphysics light book, The Secret, the far-ranging work became much more to me.
I benefited from in depth treatments of the psychological aspects of parent child relations, a general treatment of Jungian psychology, particularly the collective unconscious, a short, but effective synopsis of Caroline Myss's work on recovering from wounds and intriguing sections later in the book on universal laws as she discerned them.
I also found her biographical sections on her life's lessons, how difficult it was to learn them and why "The Secret" was not effective for her to ring true and hold inspiration for me.
While I am not ready to embrace her more esoteric ideas, such as the Akashic records, definitive treatments of pre-birth activities, the fact is, I got plenty of inspiration from her words.
For example, Karmic debts and releases seems the same thing that the Bible describes as "whatever a man sows, this he will also reap". The human condition is to evolve. Whether the lessons are sent by a benevolent universe, as she believes, or all part of God's plan, as I believe, the individual must accept responsibility for their human and spiritual evolution and discerning and acting upon their purpose in life. Like Ms. Rutter and myself, people who do not want to learn life's lessons will be given repeat opportunities to learn them.
I do not believe that one book can an all-purpose spiritual and evolutionary guide, except maybe the Bible. However, one idea can inspire an individual to critically examine beliefs and behavior and make a change. There were many such ideas in this book. I received plenty of helpful inspiration and I can enthusiastically recommend this book.
I also want to say that there is a marvelous exercise in self understanding in an appendix near the end of the book.
The Very Simple Law of Attraction: Find Out What You Really Want from Life . . . and Get It! (The Inner Power series)
A Grateful Life: Living the Law of Attraction
Seekers and practitioners of the Law of Attraction need look no further than this book by noted lecturers, authors, and LOA teachers Beth and Lee McCain. Each week on their popular radio show, the McCain's discuss the wonderful Law of Attraction and all that it does to positively affect the lives of those who choose to live it. Following centuries of quiet use, the Law of Attraction, commonly known as The Secret, has finally swept the world. This book unveils The Secret in a practical manner, allowing the reader to truly understand the Law of Attraction and how to apply it. Learn how Beth and Lee discovered the LOA and how they harnessed The Secret in their own lives. Share their struggles and their eventual breakthrough, and witness how living the Law of Attraction has enriched their lives. Follow along as Beth and Lee openly discuss the many hurdles they each had to overcome before they gained enough personal courage to live the kind of lives the Universe intends for us all.
Law of Attraction - How to Attract Money, Love, and Happiness (Guide for Living)
Can you really attract more love, money, and happiness by simply thinking a certain way? This answer is yes! In the book, you'll learn the secret to attracting everything you've ever wanted in life. Once you understand the Law of Attraction, you'll experience greater joy, better health, quality relationships, and unlimited money. This book will give you everything you need to understand the Law of Attraction and a step-by-step process on how to apply it to your everyday life. You'll get a better sense of how your relationships, health issues, finances, career concerns, and other aspects of life are influenced by this universal law.
Customer Review: A must have for any Library
If you are looking to make some changes (no matter how big or small) to your life, this book is a fantastic resource. I highly recommend it. It is a must read for anyone that is not happy with how their life is working and wants to enrich their life further.
Customer Review: Interesting Book
I first became interested in the book after watching "The Secret". I wanted to understand more about the secret which is not really a secret at all and this book actually does that with good explanations. It all does make sense in applying these laws to your life. This is really a good book the begin with if you're looking to make positive changes in your life.
From one of the most recognized life coaches in the world--the one sure way to attract love that no one can resist!
You don't need an action plan to find love. According to internationally known life coach Talane Miedaner, the best thing you can do is become your very best self. It�s easy with her patented Emotional Index Quiz, which helps you identify your deepest core needs. Once you learn to fulfill those needs yourself and live your passion, you'll find that people are irresistibly drawn to you--like a magnet!
The Law of Attraction: And Other Secrets of Visualization
I. Order of Visualization
II. How to Attract to Yourself the Things You Desire
III. Relation Between Mental and Physical Form
IV. Operation of Your Mental Picture
V. Expressions from Beginners
VI. Suggestions for Making Your Mental Picture
VII. Things to Remember in Using Your Thought Power for the Production of New Conditions
VIII. Why I Took Up the Study of Mental Science
IX. How I Attracted to Myself Twenty Thousand Dollars
X. How I Became the Only Personal Pupil of T. Troward, the Great Mental Scientist
XI. How to Bring the Power in Your Word Into Action
XII. How to Increase Your Faith
XIII. The Reward of Increased Faith
XIV. How to Make Nature Respond to You
XV. Faith With Works-What It Has Accomplished
XVI. Suggestions As to How to Pray or Ask, Believing You Have Already Received
XVII. Things to Remember
Customer Review: Wow
I thought this audio was excellent (BUT: it will only play on my computer, I tried every cd player in my house).Also, there is no chapter 5. So, I don't know if it was a verbal/written mistake, or if there is an actual chapter missing. But the info is great, it takes visualization to a whole new level. I recommend it for everyone- especially young people, so they understand early on- that you think about, manifests!
Customer Review: Excellent!
Eventhough this is a slim volume of only 95 pages,the ideas contained in this book must be carefully mulled in the mind and understood. Once these ideas are properly digested then it seems such a simple thing to do. In Chapter 8, Miss Behrend discusses why she took up mental science. She says "My initial impulse toward the study of Mental Science was an overwhelming sense of loneliness." Isnt this true for us all? This book is a gold mine. Study it and Study it again. It will surely reshape your life.
Devorss publications has a new edition and is available at amazon otherwise you can purchase it at their website at
The Law of Attraction: or Thought Vibration in the Thought World
William Walker Atkinson was an influential member of the New Thought movement. He was one of the first people to write about the Law of Attraction. Long before Rhonda Byrne discovered the secret that one's positive thoughts are powerful magnets that attract wealth, health, and happiness, Atkinson already knew it.
The Law of Attraction 101: The Secret Power Of Your Thoughts
So What Do You Want? The question begs an answer. The Law Of Attraction 101: The Secret Power Of Your Thoughts; gives you powerful insight in creating and manifesting your dreams, desires, and goals. This little 80 page pocket sized book is intense, and provokes a whole new thought process, which is the foundation for The Law Of Attraction. It probes with a series of 20 life changing questions, designed to challenge and track your attraction progress unlocking this powerful omniscient secret of the Universe. Have you ever wondered how the rich get richer or, how those who constantly speak and worry about not having enough money, never seem to have any? Have you ever notice how those who dwell on sickness never get well? Then there are those who always joke about lack and limitations, not understanding the power of their words. It s you thoughts. Yes, your thoughts that create your reality. Thoughts create things, For what you think about the most, you bring about. This book includes several life lessons in the power of deliberate creation. Life Coach and author, Ehryck F. Gilmore,CH answers all of these questions and more in this handy little pocket edition reference book. This book clearly defines how anyone can easily live a life filled with prosperity, success, perfect health and abundance. The Law Of Attraction 101 is now your blueprint, your guide to personal growth and positive change in every aspect of your life.
Customer Review: Law of Attraction 101
Not very impressed with this book. It was a very short read most of the book pages were filled with affirmations. Not much to it.
Customer Review: Easy read
Easily understandable writings compared to a lot of the literature out there for the Law of Attraction. Highly recommended to those that liked The Secret.