The Law of Attraction in Action...
The Law of Attraction is the most magical, powerful, and exciting law of the Universe. Learning to use it to your best advantage is the challenge. You have found the missing key. It is subconscious programming. Unless you clear your underlying beliefs about your abilities to be, do, or have anything you want, and unless you have programmed your deep inner mind to be the type of person for whom the Law of Attraction works in the best way possible, it just might be that since finding out about the LoA, you still haven't received all that you were hoping to. That is where we come in. My partner, Kent Ogletree and I, Certified Hypnotherapists, have created a state-of-the-art, delightful, and empowering dual-induction programming CD that, if you listen to it and avail yourself of the online tools to help you change your beliefs (included at no extra cost), you will become the type of person for whom the Law of Attraction works in the best way possible. Permanently. You won't have to worry whether you are using the LoA to your maximum advantage, because it will be automatic for you to do so. Learning that the Law of Attraction could help you: Great. Finding out that there was a missing piece of subconscious programming: Freeing. Using our CD to finally help you do, be,or have anything you want: Priceless.
Customer Review: Great CD!!!
Hi Stephanie,
I just wanted to give you an update as to how I believe your CD has worked for me so far.
While listening to the CD I saw myself having a conversation with a woman that is becoming a partner of mine. In our last meeting she stated that she didn't want to charge for our services. That she wanted to give it away. (We will be working with Children that have learning disabilities and she just wants to help.) I thought long and hard about this and it just didn't sit well with me. I saw myself having a conversation with her explaining that we needed to charge and I saw this conversation going very well. So having said that, I met with her the next day at a local Starbucks. She sat down and before I could begin to tell her what was on my mind (and before she even got her coffee) she started to tell me that she thinks we should have a fee for our services and that she was wrong to think otherwise!! I looked at her and giggled and just was amazed at how easily this had happened. I shared with her that I had meditated on the fact that we would come to an agreement and she would understand why we needed to charge. She and I had a fantastic meeting and it went so well! I just had to giggle throughout the day as to how easily this had worked out for me.
I am so happy to say that I really believe that your CD helped me to manifest this going so well! Thank you for your gift and I look forward to giving you more testimonials!!!
Blessed not stressed,
Customer Review: Law of Attraction in Action
Bravo !!!!
Without a doubt this is the BEST Program that I have heard yet on the Law of Attraction. What I find so very different about this CD is that it not only gives you the theory behind Manifesting your desires, but it also sends you soaring into the emotions that drive the vibrations through the roof of good feelings. It is the good feelings that are the vehicle which is needed to get you to your desired outcomes. Other programs seem to tell you what needs to be done and why, but fail to provide the means of getting you to your Desired Destination. It is like having a luxury sports car with the gas tank empty, and no gas station in sight.
This CD not only provides the luxury sports car, but fills the tank and even pushes the gas pedal for you. All you have to do is relax and know where you want to go, and it gives you the means of getting there effortlessly.
I absolutely Love this Program.
Paulina Want, LCSW, MSW, MS (Sports Psych)
(EFT, NLP, Hypnosis, EMDR, Pranic Healing, Silva Mind Control Grad, etc. )
the law of attraction
law of attraction weight loss
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