Wednesday, December 31, 2008

law of attraction

Beyond the Secret: Spiritual Power and the Law of Attraction

Beyond the Secret: Spiritual Power and the Law of Attraction
Since the publication of The Secret, everyone seems to be talking about the Law of Attraction. In the popular imagination, everything we desire can be ours. But the Law of Attraction is more than the power of positive thinking or a plan to get rich quick. In Beyond the Secret, Lisa Love teaches us how to use the Law of Attraction spiritually. Instead of focusing on the selfishness and greed in human nature that leads us to want, want, want, Love inspires her readers to see beyond the individual ego and to attract and retain objects and events that will be beneficial to ourselves and to others.

Lisa Love makes the Law of Attraction accessible to everyone, revealing essential insights on how to discover true and lasting life satisfaction.

Beyond the Secret teaches you to:
-understand what Spirit wants for you in this life
-use the Law of Attraction to gain insight into yourself and your destiny
-create and maintain a deeply satisfying sense of spiritual fulfillment

Not everyone can use the Law of Attraction to win the lottery or to become the next American Idol, but everyone can use the Law of Attraction to become a happier and better person.

Customer Review: Spoken like a true believer in the guilt based religions.

Thank you Lisa Love for writing this book, without which I could not fully appreciate the works of Esther and Jerry Hicks. I gave it a two star only because of the potential of the unread portion, although I'll never know.

The first reviewer was very gentle her choice of phrases: . . ."you might feel this is grazing on your set beliefs. . ." Boy is that an understatement in my case.

I do believe that feeling your way to abundance, whether material or spiritual, is the fundamental principal behind manifesting your desires. Focusing on the positive side of everything no matter what is going on around you is key to this. I also think that a natural result of becoming a more positive person will make you more compassionate, loving and spiritual and you will naturally help others more by being that way.

What left me cold in the very first chapter are the contradictions made by the author.

EXERPT: Spirit encompasses everything that is! Everything lives within it and is a part of it. It has been called "God," "Allah," "The Force," and a multitude of other names. Essentially you are Spirit, and Spirit is you!

That said, the author goes on to make this statement only two pages later:

"Remember the law of attraction is neutral. Though you can use it to get whatever you wish for, it doesn't always give you what Spirit wishes for you."


Spirit is me and I am spirit right? So, if this is true, (and I firmly believe that it is) it is not even possible for Spirit to desire something that I myself do not desire and vice versa. In fact, spirit can not even distinguish between the reality that I imagine and the reality that I am living so how can it make choices for me? Spirit is not something outside of me that controls me and tells me what I should and should not desire or how it should be used. The job of "Spirit" is to respond to the thoughts I am thinking and make that my reality.

The word "ego" is also referred to quite a bit and the author goes on to discuss her belief that we are hear to serve others and that those with money have a moral obligation to take care of those who don't. But, if I am the creator of my world and I have money because I manifested it in my life than would it not also be true that those who do not have money have manifested that reality into their lives? My having money, a place to live, and other nice things is not depriving someone else of the opportunity to manifest those things in their life. Seems to me our obligation would be to teach them how but then again that would be forcing our beliefs on someone else.

The author is right about the law of attraction being neutral. You will manifest that which you focus upon the most and if your focus is on the lack of something rather than the abundance of it then you will continue to manifest the lack of it until you change the way you think about it.

Besides the multitude of tangents the author seems to go off on, I found it difficult to get past her own personal bias toward those who have manifested material abundance, good looking spouses (as she puts it, but isn't beauty in the eye of the beholder?), expensive cars, and houses on the beach in their lives. She did talk about being jilted by a lover who chose a woman of means over her. WOW! That explains a few things right there!

I don't imagine there are many people in this world who never think about having any of those things and what's wrong with it? Money brings freedom and having it is not depriving someone else of it. It does not mean that people who have it lead irresponsible or lackluster lives nor does it mean that we should all go live as monks in order to curb the ego from wanting it! Anyone who thinks money isn't important in this world is kidding themselves.

I found the book "Ask and It Is Given" by Jerry and Esther Hicks a far more compassionate read.

Customer Review: Wisdom and depth

Dr. Lisa Love has lovingly written a book that is a soulful, wise companion to The Secret. She believes that we must go beyond a shallow take on the Law of Attraction. This book contains wisdom and depth and as an executive and life coach who teaches clients about the Law of Attraction linked with spirituality, I recommend it. I heard Dr. Love on NPR's New Dimensions radio and several of her quotes were so memorable that I have repeated them to my coaching clients. With compassion she talks about how unkind it is to those who are ill to tell them that they created it through the Law of Attraction, although she acknowledges a strong body/mind connection. Dr. Love spoke of how a terrible tragedy to Christopher Reeves ended up bringing so much good to the world because of his choice to become a spokesman. She urges us to approach the Law of Attraction with love, wisdom and our higher selves.

Michelle Prosser, author of Excuse Me, Your God is Waiting, Love Your God * Create Your Life * Find Your True Self

Excuse Me, Your God Is Waiting: Love Your God * Create Your Life * Find Your True Self

how to manifest wealth

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

attraction law

Law of Attraction Workbook - A 6-Step Plan to Attract Money, Love, and Happiness

Law of Attraction Workbook - A 6-Step Plan to Attract Money, Love, and Happiness
In this workbook, you'll learn the exact process to attracting everything you've ever wanted in life, including greater joy, excellent health, quality relationships, and unlimited money. This workbook will give you everything you need to understand the Law of Attraction. You'll get a better sense of how your relationships, health issues, finances, career concerns, and other aspects of life are influenced by this universal law. This is more than just theory... It's practical information that will work for you. Fill in the blanks to walk away with your personalized plan to apply the Law of Attraction in your life.

Customer Review: law of attraction

Very informative and practical book. As a professional teacher/consultant in Canada for people who wish to better use their subconscious mind to improve their life through the law of attraction, I would personally give this book my recommendation to beginners to the subject as well as people who already have a grounding in the subject.

Customer Review: Contradicts "The Secret" DVD

After seeing the movie "The Secret" I thought it might be helpful to get a workbook to help me with the principles they teach regarding The Law of Attraction. However, the first thing I noticed upon opening this workbook is that the first 42 pages ask you to write down every NEGATIVE thing you can think of about your life! You are asked to fill in the blanks regarding what you worry about most, what you struggle with, what you are concerned about, with your life partner, with your family, about money, about your career, and on and on. When I watched The Secret, my first impression was that you should not even dwell on these things AT ALL. So it seems as right at the beginning this book violates the first principle -- CHANGE YOUR THOUGHTS! Then, once the book does get around to the part where your write how you would like your life to be, it specifically asks to you write down HOW YOU EXPECT TO ACCOMPLISH these changes! (i.e. "You need to move beyond listing the things you need to change and begin to focus on what you are going to do to attract each of the things . . .") This specifically contradicts another principle revealed in The Secret, which stated that you do not have to KNOW how it will come about, and you do not have to try to figure out yourself HOW IT WILL COME ABOUT! This appears to be one of those typical self-help books that have been published in the past, and it seems to have been just slightly adjusted to fit the principles of the Law of Attraction. Maybe this is a different "Law of Attraction" than they present in The Secret DVD? If you are looking for a book to help you with accomplishing the goals set by The Secret DVD, look elsewhere, this isn't it.

Monday, December 29, 2008


Secret Source: The Law of Attraction Is One of Seven Ancient Hermetic Laws: Here Are the Other Six

Secret Source: The Law of Attraction Is One of Seven Ancient Hermetic Laws: Here Are the Other Six

The Secret Source reveals the actual occult doctrines that gave birth to "The Law of Attraction" and inspired the media phenomenon known as The Secret.

Why did The Secret divulge only one of the seven Hermetic Laws? What are the others, what do they say, and how could they enrich your life?

The Secret Source provides the actual texts and fascinating stories behind the "Emerald Tablet," the Kabbalistic treatise known as "The Kybalion," and Manly P. Hall's essay on the occult movement that produced it.

Maja D'Aoust lectures at the Philosophical Research Society; Adam Parfrey, editor of Apocalypse Culture, is writing a history of secret societies in America; and Jodi Wille is editing a book on the mystical commune known as "The Source." Manly P. Hall is the author of The Secret Teachings of All Ages.

Customer Review: Unveiling the Secret

The book The Secret Source might at first appear to be a outright criticism of the book The Secret or perhaps a book hoping to sell it's own brand of self help to confused consumers who mistake one title for the other but as good fortune would have it, it's neither. What The Secret Source offers is a highly detailed history of Prosperity Consciousness, the New Thought movement, Alchemy, Rosicrucianism, even Mesmerism and others and how they all can be traced back to Hermetic origins. It gets better though, the true story and recurring trend of Prosperity Consciousness doesn't exist in a historical bubble, the Secret Source shows the interlinked timeline of how it's Hermetic roots are bound within Christian, Judaic and Islamic history as well. The research in this book is highly detailed with all the major players, important texts, and movements laid out. The level of detail presented in this book is commendable and I'm sure in another life D'Aoust and Parfrey were detectives. One of the books strength is it's academic approach rather than being a self help book. Over 100 footnotes are present to site for anyone who would like to follow up with their own investigation. One criticism I would offer, though a very minor one at that, is that the order of some of the information in the early chapters seems to be not as well organized as it could have been for maximum comprehension. There is a lot of dense material to cover in the beginning of the book and for someone not completely acquainted with the subject there are a lot of names and connections to keep straight. Most chapters read like one major epiphany after the other. The authors make amazing connections and trace almost unbelievable timelines of major religious intrigue. I won't spoil it for the potential reader but I think one of my favorite things about this book is when it finally comes to the question of where do Hermetic Laws come from? Every great detective wants to peel away the layers of the onion but what happens when you get to the very last layer? What is the secret source of the secret source? It doesn't matter if you have never read The Secret to enjoy this book. You don't even have to know anything about hermeticism or the occult . Readers that like real life mysteries, history, religious study or anyone remotely curious about the self help trends they see in the media today can fully appreciate this book.

Customer Review: The Secret Source is THE Source of Secrets!

Sure, the law of attraction is a Universal Law, but not "THE" law,

and Prosperity Consciousness is nothing new. And neither are without their dangers. The Secret Source traces the seven Hermetic Laws back to ancient Egypt and Greece, showing how they filtered through various religions and into the mainstream consciousness of our modern world. Maja DAoust and Adam Parfrey wade through my favorite cast of characters and themes, including but not limited to the Rosacrucians, the Freemasons, Mesmer, Hermes Trisgmegistus, Thoth, Enochian Magick, the Tetrgrammaton, and much more.

This book presents the actual texts and hidden stories behind the likes of the "Emerald Tablet," and "The Kybalion." The beliefs of the New Thought movement that have given generations of hopeful sustenance to health and wealth seekers throughout time are exposed through the works of Wallace Wattles, Napoleon Hill and the Carnegies.

Not be missed is the chapter entitled "Horny Angelic Beings". Now, before you too excited, I'll warn that you won't be reading a saucy account of Raphael getting it on with the Daughters of Man while the Nephilim videotape. Although personally I must admit I've always been a bit hot for arch angel Zadkiel and his abiltity toss my atomic salad, bringing my molecules into perfected frequency with his song of the violet flame. Sorry readers. I couldn't help myself. After all, Maja is the archetypal sexy librarian of the Philosophical Research Society. PRS and its' amazing library of esoteric manuscripts was founded by Manly P. Hall (sage and author of The Secret Teachings of All Ages (Reader's Edition)), and the society's main mission is to provide thoughtful persons rare access to the depth and breadth of the world's wisdom literature. Parfrey runs Process Media and Feral House, publisher of high-quality books on forbidden topics.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

The Secret

Your Invisible Power by Genevieve Behrend & Thought Vibration or the Law of Attraction in the Thought World by William Walker Atkinson

Your Invisible Power by Genevieve Behrend & Thought Vibration or the Law of Attraction in the Thought World by William Walker Atkinson


I. Order of Visualization

II. How to Attract to Yourself the Things You Desire

III. Relation Between Mental and Physical Form

IV. Operation of Your Mental Picture

V. Expressions from Beginners

VI. Suggestions for Making Your Mental Picture

VII. Things to Remember in Using Your Thought Power for the Production of New Conditions

VIII. Why I Took Up the Study of Mental Science

IX. How I Attracted to Myself Twenty Thousand Dollars

X. How I Became the Only Personal Pupil of T. Troward, the Great Mental Scientist

XI. How to Bring the Power in Your Word Into Action

XII. How to Increase Your Faith

XIII. The Reward of Increased Faith

XIV. How to Make Nature Respond to You

XV. Faith With Works-What It Has Accomplished

XVI. Suggestions As to How to Pray or Ask, Believing You Have Already Received

XVII. Things to Remember

Customer Review: Wow

I thought this audio was excellent (BUT: it will only play on my computer, I tried every cd player in my house).Also, there is no chapter 5. So, I don't know if it was a verbal/written mistake, or if there is an actual chapter missing. But the info is great, it takes visualization to a whole new level. I recommend it for everyone- especially young people, so they understand early on- that you think about, manifests!

Customer Review: Excellent!

Eventhough this is a slim volume of only 95 pages,the ideas contained in this book must be carefully mulled in the mind and understood. Once these ideas are properly digested then it seems such a simple thing to do. In Chapter 8, Miss Behrend discusses why she took up mental science. She says "My initial impulse toward the study of Mental Science was an overwhelming sense of loneliness." Isnt this true for us all? This book is a gold mine. Study it and Study it again. It will surely reshape your life.

Devorss publications has a new edition and is available at amazon otherwise you can purchase it at their website at

Friday, December 26, 2008

quantum physics

Jesus Taught It Too: The Early Roots of the Law of Attraction

Jesus Taught It Too: The Early Roots of the Law of Attraction
When the words of Jesus are interpreted out of context they can be used to justify many contradictory concepts. However, when they are examined as a "stream of thought," we see the truth. In JESUS TAUGHT IT, TOO: THE EARLY ROOTS OF THE LAW OF ATTRACTION, Philip Harris examines over seventy quotes from the Master and shows that, contrary to recent claims and "revelations," the Law of Attraction has not been a secret at all. Instead, it has has been there for all to see for over two thousand years. Discover the truth. Read JESUS TAUGHT IT TOO and return to the love, prosperity, and power that Jesus himself promised.

Customer Review: Jesus Taught it too

Excellent Book!!! it was a true awakenings for me. Excellent way of explaining the law of attraction! I really enjoyed reading this book.

Customer Review: Beautiful

This review was sent to me by a Ahmed Jamal who lives in Jordan. I thought I would share it with you. "Jesus Taught It, Too is truly a beautiful book - and I rarely use the word beautiful when it comes to books! I just couldn't put it down - the combination of the message of Jesus along with Philip Harris' way of putting it in written prose is really like music to the soul. You'll just want to read it again and again."

Law of attraction books

Thursday, December 25, 2008


Little Reminders: The Law of Attraction: 36 Oracle Cards to Guide You to Wealth and Prosperity (Little Reminders)

Little Reminders: The Law of Attraction: 36 Oracle Cards to Guide You to Wealth and Prosperity (Little Reminders)

Big dreams can indeed come true! Last season, Amy and Monte reminded their millions of fans to keep love in mind. This year, they�re extending their remarkable new concept in card games to include wealth. This stunningly designed set of 36 color oracle cards packaged in a display box with a lift-off top and tri-fold guide actually shows users how to become more prosperous. At the same time, they�ll enhance their spirit and learn to pay attention, open their hearts, and feel deserving of a life that can be fully enjoyed. Each card offers a short, inspiring message about attracting success: simply choose one and recite the inspiring words inwardly throughout the day, like a mantra. Amazing, everyday challenges suddenly transform into life-altering opportunities.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

law of attraction

Women, Decode the Law of Attraction: Crack the 6 Codes: How to Think, Act & Attract what you really want from life!

Women, Decode the Law of Attraction: Crack the 6 Codes: How to Think, Act & Attract what you really want from life!
Customer Review: Women Decode the Law of Attraction

This book is SO well organized and the 6 codes are clear, and easy to grasp. Orly provides an abundance of great stories illustrating the key points, and simple exercises for cracking through the barriers to attracting what you want in life.

Law of attraction videos

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

create life

The Law Of Attraction (Silhouette Fortunes of Texas Reunion)

The Law Of Attraction (Silhouette Fortunes of Texas Reunion)
"There's nothing more intriguing than a strong woman who can put me in my place." --Daniel Fortune, assistant district attorney

Alisha Hart can't believe how arrogant fellow lawyers can be. Take assistant district attorney Daniel Fortune. She knows his kind -- slick dressing, smooth talking, with a hunger for power. But when playful banter turns egotistical, Daniel offers Alisha a bet she can't refuse -- whoever loses the San Antonio Streaker case must agree to do one thing for the winner. And it's got to be a surprise.

Daniel can't wait that long for victory and fighting in the courtroom soon turns to passionate nights in the bedroom. But could this relationship with Alisha cost him the promotion to D.A.? Suddenly Daniel is pulling away and Alisha only has one choice -- win her case. Or risk losing her heart . . . again.

Loa the secret

Monday, December 22, 2008

attraction accelerator

The 28 Laws of Attraction: Stop Chasing Success and Let It Chase You

The 28 Laws of Attraction: Stop Chasing Success and Let It Chase You

In the Bestselling Tradition of The Secret:
Master the Universal Laws of Attracting Success

Would you like to learn how to recognize a good opportunity when it presents itself to you? Do you want to discover your true passions and make them work for you? Would you like to find the people in your life who can help you achieve your goals, dreams, and aspirations? Do you find yourself wishing you had more time with your family and friends? If you've been seeking fulfillment and felt that it has always eluded you, these 28 Laws will show you how to stop chasing success and let it chase you.

With Thomas Leonard's time-tested, power-packed system, you will learn how to maximize the brilliance and energy you already possess to create a thoroughly satisfying life based on what's best about you. As you apply these 28 Laws, you'll gain the ability to define what success is for you, and learn how to attract the things that matter the most in life.

Customer Review: Use your mind, don't let a book tell you how to do it

This book reminds me of what my financial advisor has repeatedly told me --- if he were the financial genius that the stereo-typical persona of a financial advisor holds then he would not be a working stiff!

This audiobook supposedly can give you the "all knowing power" to accomplish anything. OK, will I be the next millionaire by listening to it? I don't believe so. If Mr. Leonard is the coach he claims to be and swears people can accomplish whatever they want by doing the 28 laws, then why is it necessary for him to write a book? His reason for writing it is because he wants to be a good person and help others? I think not!

This is just one more of those "get rich" (or get whatever it is you want) quick theme books that have you spend money to buy them and then the results are less than promised. This is not my cup of tea. By all means, use your mind for great things but you don't need a book to tell you how to do that.

Customer Review: So much more than expected...

I really thought this was just another program riding the coattails of the Secret. It is helping my business and career. Thank you!

Secret of the law

Sunday, December 21, 2008

how to apply the law of attraction

Law of Attraction: The Science Of Attracting More Of What You Want And Less Of What You Don't

Law of Attraction: The Science Of Attracting More Of What You Want And Less Of What You Don't
Customer Review: Best Book on Law of Attraction


I am a student of the Law of Attraction (LOA) and have many books on the topic. I would highly recommend that no matter how many books you have, you also get this book. What makes it unique is that it is very applied, very technical (in a good way) so that you can debug your process of applying the LOA so that it will work for you. For example, you will discover why affirmations may not be working for you, and what to do to craft affirmations that do work. You'll discover HOW to "allow", which is the most difficult step of the LOA.

The book is an easy read, and a valuable read that anyone can understand, but will be of great interest to sophisticated readers also.

The author includes a valuable chapter on using the LOA with children, a topic not covered anywhere else that I have found.

The book's format is one that lends itself to easy skimming as you learn to apply the LOA so that you can review (summaries, shaded boxes, etc.). Still, it is a book that I've read in its entirety twice and will read again and again until I am proficient at applying the concepts.

Although the book is short (144 pages) and only takes an hour or two to read, it is incredibly valuable information, well worth many times the price.


Loa the secret

Saturday, December 20, 2008

law of attraction video

Emily and Jacob Explore The Law of Attraction for Kids

Emily and Jacob Explore The Law of Attraction for Kids
We all want a better life! All of us want to be happy. We want the best for our children. They want more stuff! How do the thoughts we think affect our life? What does science have to say about our thoughts and The Law of Attraction? Emily and Jacob are just two regular kids talking about the facts and exploring possibilities. The best way to learn is by asking questions and they've got lots of them! Your kids will be captivated and inspired as Emily and Jacob explore the exciting world of quantum mechanics. Their practical examples for applying The Law of Attraction will teach your children how to create their own success. Emily and Jacob explore The Law of Attraction for Kids is an easy-to-understand conversation that will really make you think!

how to manifest wealth

Friday, December 19, 2008

quantum physics law of attraction

Emily and Jacob Explore The Law of Attraction for Kids

Emily and Jacob Explore The Law of Attraction for Kids
We all want a better life! All of us want to be happy. We want the best for our children. They want more stuff! How do the thoughts we think affect our life? What does science have to say about our thoughts and The Law of Attraction? Emily and Jacob are just two regular kids talking about the facts and exploring possibilities. The best way to learn is by asking questions and they've got lots of them! Your kids will be captivated and inspired as Emily and Jacob explore the exciting world of quantum mechanics. Their practical examples for applying The Law of Attraction will teach your children how to create their own success. Emily and Jacob explore The Law of Attraction for Kids is an easy-to-understand conversation that will really make you think!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

the secret of law of attraction

Law of Attraction Workbook

Law of Attraction Workbook
The Law of Attraction Workbook is an easy to use, but powerful Seven Step Process that provides the tools and techniques to teach you how to create your life and live it fully, to your highest potential. The power of the Law of Attraction is that you can start now, no matter what your circumstances are and move to the manifestation of your desires in all aspects of your life. If you enjoyed The Secret, you now have a practical tool to apply the concepts to your life.

Customer Review: Try it, you'll like it!

This book is a wonderful tool that doesn't just talk about ideas, but gets the reader involved in step by step excercises to actually implement the Law of Attraction into his or her life.

It isn't 'psycho babble' nor is it the 'occult'.

Thanks for the laugh though, "Haters". ;-)

You're already forgiven for your limited fear based beliefs, that's the beauty of it all!

Try this book, practice what it says, and your life will change for the better. It's not a magic pill, but as Wayne Dyer says, "Change your thoughts, change your life!"

It's simple and beautiful, and the proof is in the doing.

Step out of your fear...

If you don't know how, here is your guide book.

Customer Review: Sound Advice

The Law of Attraction

By Esther and Jerry Hiscks

All of creation first takes place in the mind. YHVH first had the thought and then spoke His Creation into existence. Obviously, His Creation was brought about for His (e-motion) called pleasure.

As a baby, a wet diaper brought about the sensation of discomfort and that provoked the emotion that caused the baby to cry. The same with hunger, heat or cold...

Without the thought and the emotion, maybe the baby would never awaken, move, cry, nor do anything at all--even his waking up and crying is a creation of his own doing. When I say `his own doing', I am speaking of the spirit within him, the real him. The body was uncomfortable. The spirit within the body knows that it has the duty to care for and preserve the body in which it resides.

Why wouldn't the Spirit within my body attempt to guide my body and brain to do all of the things which It (My Spirit) came here to do.

How can I pull myself out of depression except by consciously appreciating the things and relationships that I have? When I train my brain to do that, My Spirit responds by lifting up and changing my whole direction of negativity.

The book answers a lot of questions for me; like negative events that occur in spurts. For instance: the Postal killings; the fast food restaurant killings; the school massacres; serial killings and rapists; rashes of wild weather, tsunamis, tornados, and fires. Then there are also the health issues and surgeries. Everyone you know has a heart attack, then high cholesterol, then prostrate problems, sinus problems, ovarian cysts, carpal tunnel, cancer, and on and on. The point is, first it's one problem, then another, then another. I believe the authors, that the problems are created by all of the attention and emotion that is focused on them by so many people at one time.

The very first part of this book, where the authors explain how and where they got their information is the only part that does not set right with me. However, I do not believe the info was received from evil spirits and I do not believe that for a Child of God to be always expanding is contrary to God's Will for us. His own Creation is always expanding.

I admit there are a lot of things that I don't know, but just because I wasn't reared to know or experience them, doesn't mean that I'm going to close the door on something that God is trying to teach me or bring into my experience.

Most of the time, I am pretty hard on myself for not accomplishing as much (and as fast) as I think I should. As I think of this, is it the real inner me, scolding so that I will not misuse any valuable holy time here on this Earth?

You see, man thinks he thinks but he does not think he creates with every thought, so be carefull what you are thinking because you are getting everything you think and more.

Be blessed and live life as if it were your last day on earth.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

law of attraction relationships

Automatic Wealth III: The Attractor Factor - Including: The Power of Your Subconscious Mind, How to Attract Money, the Law of Attraction in the Thought World and Feeling Is the Secret (Paperback)

Automatic Wealth III: The Attractor Factor - Including: The Power of Your Subconscious Mind, How to Attract Money, the Law of Attraction in the Thought World and Feeling Is the Secret (Paperback)
Automatic Wealth III: The Attractor Factor - Including:The Power of Your Subconscious Mind, How to Attract Money by Joseph Murphy,The Law of Attraction AND Feeling Is The Secret The Power of Your Subconscious Mind by Dr. Joseph Murphy I have seen miracles happen to men and women in all walks of life all over the world. Miracles will happen to you, too-when you begin using the magic power of your subconscious mind. This book is designed to teach you that your habitual thinking and imagery mold, fashion, and create your destiny; for as a man thinketh in his subconscious mind, so is he. Why is one man sad and another man happy? Why is one man joyous and prosperous and another man poor and miserable? Why is one man fearful and anxious and another full of faith and confidence? Why does one man have a beautiful, luxurious home while another man lives out a meager existence in a slum? Why is one man a great success and another an abject failure? Why is one speaker outstanding and immensely popular and another mediocre and unpopular? Why is one man a genius in his work or profession while the other man toils and moils all his life without doing or accomplishing anything worthwhile? Why is one man healed of a so-called incurable disease and another isn't? Why is it so many good, kind religious people suffer the tortures of the damned in their mind and body? Why is it many immoral and irreligious people succeed and prosper and enjoy radiant health? Why is one woman happily married and her sister very unhappy and frustrated? Is there an answer to these questions in the workings of your conscious and subconscious minds? There most certainly is. It is for the express purpose of answering and clarifying the above questions and many others of a similar nature that motivated me to write this book. How to Attract Money by Dr. Joseph Murphy It is your right to be rich. You are here to lead the abundant life, and to be happy, radiant, and free. You should, therefore, have all the money you need to lead a full, happy, prosperous life. There is no virtue in poverty; the latter is a mental disease, and it should be abolished from the face of the earth. You are here to grow, expand, and unfold - spiritually, mentally, and materially. You have the inalienable right to fully develop and express yourself along all lines. You should surround yourself with beauty and luxury. Thought Vibration or the Law of Attraction in the Thought World by William Walker Atkinson In this New Thought classic, Atkinson looks at the law of attraction in the thought world. He points out the similarities between the law of gravitation and the mental law of attraction. He explains that thought vibrations are as real as those manifesting as light, heat, magnetism and electricity. The difference is in the vibratory rate which also explains the fact that thought vibrations cannot usually be perceived by our 5 senses. Feeling Is The Secret by Neville THIS book is concerned with the art of realizing your desire. It gives you an account of the mechanism used in the production of the visible world. It is a small book but not slight.There is a treasure in it, a clearly defined road to the realization of your dreams.

Customer Review: Enlightening

I always believed that mind can achieve great things. But, before I read these 4 books, I did not understand why. Thanks to Amazan this knowledge is now common knowledge. Congratulation. Dr Jusuf Hariman (real name)

how to manifest your desires

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

manifesting abundence

The Law of Attraction in Action: Episode III

The Law of Attraction in Action: Episode III

�Stop ‘telling it like it is� and start telling it like you want it to be!�
Total, permanent world peace: Can it be achieved? Should we even try?
Oh, to cruise the oceans of bliss . . . but you can�t afford it?! Closing the gap between your now reality and your vibrational escrow.
Anchors of resistance: If you�ve got negative emotion and you ignore it . . . don�t worry—something else will show up!
Proving you are �right� in court: Abraham talks about the true cost of litigation.
Land of the free? When our own government starts to tread on our fundamental freedoms, don�t we have a responsibility to stand up for ourselves?
OhmygodwhatifmydoggetsrunoverbyacarormyhouseburnsdownwhileI�mgone? What to do when your vivid imagination runs wild with horrible thoughts!
To do or not to do? What�s the right mix between doing something and simply allowing thought-energy to flow?
Men and women—are there fundamental differences? It often seems as though she wants to settle down while he wants to be free. Are we—deep inside—different?
She�s ready—REALLY ready—for a baby: fertility specialists, acupuncturists, detoxing, organics, a healthy and prepared body . . . trusting, trying to feel positive . . . what to do when something you really, really want just ain�t showin� up!
Take this job and . . . DO it! Dealing with a very bossy boss who says, �Do this thing I�m pretty sure you don�t want to do, and I don�t want to hear any guff about it.�
And much, much more . . . answers and inspiration from the Non-Physical entity Abraham—whom Esther calls �infinite intelligence� and Jerry refers to as �the purest form of love I�ve ever encountered.�

Customer Review: Law of Attraction DVD

Fantastic! Will watch again and again. If you like "Ask and it is Given" and Esther & Jerry Hicks, you will love this dvd. Highly recommend.

Customer Review: Channeling is not my cup of tea BUT

I like "Abraham"/Hicks teaching a little more than the ever so harsh and materialistic "Secret".

This stuff does work. I publish books that the authors Hicks and the producer of the Secret "borrowed" from. There is a catch however; the Universe cannot be used as an ATM. There is a reverse blow when you manifest. What does this mean? It means that there is a cost for everything. Oh yes, if your karma would not allow manifesting something it won't work. period


Murine Press

create your life

Monday, December 15, 2008

manifest money

Law of Attraction Workbook - A 6-Step Plan to Attract Money, Love, and Happiness

Law of Attraction Workbook - A 6-Step Plan to Attract Money, Love, and Happiness
In this workbook, you'll learn the exact process to attracting everything you've ever wanted in life, including greater joy, excellent health, quality relationships, and unlimited money. This workbook will give you everything you need to understand the Law of Attraction. You'll get a better sense of how your relationships, health issues, finances, career concerns, and other aspects of life are influenced by this universal law. This is more than just theory... It's practical information that will work for you. Fill in the blanks to walk away with your personalized plan to apply the Law of Attraction in your life.

Customer Review: law of attraction

Very informative and practical book. As a professional teacher/consultant in Canada for people who wish to better use their subconscious mind to improve their life through the law of attraction, I would personally give this book my recommendation to beginners to the subject as well as people who already have a grounding in the subject.

Customer Review: Contradicts "The Secret" DVD

After seeing the movie "The Secret" I thought it might be helpful to get a workbook to help me with the principles they teach regarding The Law of Attraction. However, the first thing I noticed upon opening this workbook is that the first 42 pages ask you to write down every NEGATIVE thing you can think of about your life! You are asked to fill in the blanks regarding what you worry about most, what you struggle with, what you are concerned about, with your life partner, with your family, about money, about your career, and on and on. When I watched The Secret, my first impression was that you should not even dwell on these things AT ALL. So it seems as right at the beginning this book violates the first principle -- CHANGE YOUR THOUGHTS! Then, once the book does get around to the part where your write how you would like your life to be, it specifically asks to you write down HOW YOU EXPECT TO ACCOMPLISH these changes! (i.e. "You need to move beyond listing the things you need to change and begin to focus on what you are going to do to attract each of the things . . .") This specifically contradicts another principle revealed in The Secret, which stated that you do not have to KNOW how it will come about, and you do not have to try to figure out yourself HOW IT WILL COME ABOUT! This appears to be one of those typical self-help books that have been published in the past, and it seems to have been just slightly adjusted to fit the principles of the Law of Attraction. Maybe this is a different "Law of Attraction" than they present in The Secret DVD? If you are looking for a book to help you with accomplishing the goals set by The Secret DVD, look elsewhere, this isn't it.

the law of attraction

Saturday, December 13, 2008

attraction basics law teachings

Law of Attraction - Ask and You Will Receive (The Manual for Prosperity and Abundance)

Law of Attraction - Ask and You Will Receive (The Manual for Prosperity and Abundance)
Are you struggling with creating and receiving what you are wanting in life? Then Law of Attraction - Ask and You Will Receive is your answer to Prosperity & Abundance. Finally learn how to manifest what you are wanting in life. Become more deliberate with creating all you desire, happiness, wealth, loving relationships, radiant health and well being. LOA Ask and You Will Receive will guide you every step of the way to a life filled with abundance and prosperity. Why wait any longer when you can finally master the laws of the Universe and receive what you truly want in life now and forever. No more guesswork, just effective and proven methods that truly work!

Friday, December 12, 2008


The 28 Laws of Attraction: Stop Chasing Success and Let It Chase You

The 28 Laws of Attraction: Stop Chasing Success and Let It Chase You

In the Bestselling Tradition of The Secret:
Master the Universal Laws of Attracting Success

Would you like to learn how to recognize a good opportunity when it presents itself to you? Do you want to discover your true passions and make them work for you? Would you like to find the people in your life who can help you achieve your goals, dreams, and aspirations? Do you find yourself wishing you had more time with your family and friends? If you've been seeking fulfillment and felt that it has always eluded you, these 28 Laws will show you how to stop chasing success and let it chase you.

With Thomas Leonard's time-tested, power-packed system, you will learn how to maximize the brilliance and energy you already possess to create a thoroughly satisfying life based on what's best about you. As you apply these 28 Laws, you'll gain the ability to define what success is for you, and learn how to attract the things that matter the most in life.

Customer Review: Use your mind, don't let a book tell you how to do it

This book reminds me of what my financial advisor has repeatedly told me --- if he were the financial genius that the stereo-typical persona of a financial advisor holds then he would not be a working stiff!

This audiobook supposedly can give you the "all knowing power" to accomplish anything. OK, will I be the next millionaire by listening to it? I don't believe so. If Mr. Leonard is the coach he claims to be and swears people can accomplish whatever they want by doing the 28 laws, then why is it necessary for him to write a book? His reason for writing it is because he wants to be a good person and help others? I think not!

This is just one more of those "get rich" (or get whatever it is you want) quick theme books that have you spend money to buy them and then the results are less than promised. This is not my cup of tea. By all means, use your mind for great things but you don't need a book to tell you how to do that.

Customer Review: So much more than expected...

I really thought this was just another program riding the coattails of the Secret. It is helping my business and career. Thank you!

Secret of the law

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

self improvement

The Indicator: Your Law of Attraction Quarterly #1: Vol. I, No. I

The Indicator: Your Law of Attraction Quarterly #1: Vol. I, No. I
A national quarterly periodical about the wonders of the Law of Attraction, better known as The Secret. This is for Vol. 1, No.1 of the Indicator: Your Law of Attraction Quarterly. Look for subsequent issues every three months.

how to manifest wealth

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

quantum physics

The Law of Attraction: or Thought Vibration in the Thought World

The Law of Attraction: or Thought Vibration in the Thought World
William Walker Atkinson was an influential member of the New Thought movement. He was one of the first people to write about the Law of Attraction. Long before Rhonda Byrne discovered the secret that one's positive thoughts are powerful magnets that attract wealth, health, and happiness, Atkinson already knew it.

how to manifest wealth

Monday, December 08, 2008

law of attraction

The Law Of Attraction And How To Master This Great Power

The Law Of Attraction And How To Master This Great Power
THIS 20 PAGE ARTICLE WAS EXTRACTED FROM THE BOOK: Secret of Success, by William Walker Atkinson. To purchase the entire book, please order ISBN 1564596478.

Customer Review: Newspaper Article not a Book SCAM!

This was a scam. It shouldn't be sold as a book. It is only a few pages long with a lot of empty pages so they could bind it into a book format. Don't buy it. I wish I could get my money back. I would rate it zero stars if possible.

Secret of the law

Sunday, December 07, 2008


The Indicator: Your Law of Attraction Quarterly No. 2

The Indicator: Your Law of Attraction Quarterly No. 2
This is the second issue of The Indicator: Your Law of Attraction Quartery, the only national magazine devoted to the Law of Attraction (commonly known as The Secret). Our debut issue featured Barack Obama on the cover with the question "Can Obama Win in '08?" You know the answer to that question, and for this card-carrying LOA practitioner, his next address will likely be 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington, D.C. There's even more inspiring Law of Attraction stories in this current issue! Get on board!

how to manifest your desires

Saturday, December 06, 2008


The Secret Behind The Secret Law of Attraction

The Secret Behind The Secret Law of Attraction
Its followers believe it is the secret formula, known through the ages by various philosophers and mystics and scientists, that guarantees easy access to the success we ve always dreamed of. And so they say, enough is enough to the ignorant, blind, obstacle-ridden, hard life that millions of people are living. Live The Secret and you will bypass the unnecessary frustrations, long learning curves, and tortuous detours that seem to have humanity by the throat.

To them, The Secret is THE way. To them, it's a scientifically proven universal law that always works in every situation, every time.

Most men lead lives of quiet desperation, said Thoreau, and THE SECRET shouts passionately that this does not have to be. There is true magic afoot, there are lanterns to be lit, passions to be embraced, secret thoughts to be learned and we can discover a whole new way of living that is, simply, there for the taking!

And now there are those who see real and grave danger in this virus that is spreading through the English-speaking world...and they say, enough is enough.

The leaders of The Secret crossed the line of humanity and compassion when they began to state that people bring on their own illnesses, cause their own genocide, rape and murder.

And what about the authors of this book? Are we saying, enough is enough? Well, you will have to obtain the real secret within...we did a little bit of digging and have found out the real truth about The Secret. We ve found that all that glitters is not gold. You ll have to make your own decision.

What we can promise is that we will do our best to be fair, open-minded, kind, truthful and honest.

Our purpose is to accurately represent The Secret and then show how and why we are concerned for the poor and defenseless.

And whether you agree with us or not, you will find out some things that really do matter about the human mind and heart. And we're going to show you how the people who supposedly had The Secret through the ages, really felt about philosophies like The Secret. The geniuses that the movie and books claim had the Secret were indeed some of the greatest thinkers of the last two thousand years....but is it true that they had the Secret or believed anything like the Secret? In this book we ll show you what they REALLY wrote and how they thought....and then we ll examine feelings and possibly take issue with what people say are the dangerous aspects of The Secret.

And you ll find out what people can really do to make their life better.

Customer Review: Interesting, thought-provoking & eye-opening!

"The Secret" (By Rhonda Byrne) is one of the Amazon's bestselling books & dvds, but the most of the reader's reviews suggest that there's something wrong with the underlying premise, the Law of Attraction (LOA). For the uninitiated, here's what the LOA teaches:

You're a Magnet! Thinking good thoughts creates positive vibrational energy that enables you to attract your dream lover, wealth, success and happiness beyond your wildest dreams.

You're a Creator! You can think anything you want into existence. After all, the Law of Attraction is a scientific fact, just like the law of gravity.

You're got the Power! Forget about your higher power, the universe is at your command. Think, speak and write down your intentions... and don't forget to give thanks in advance for what's coming to you. Your "good vibrations" will be richly rewarded, but be sure to leave the outcome open-ended, so whatever happens is in your best interest.

You're a Look-the-Other-Wayer! Don't focus on anyone but yourself. That's right, look the other way when you see obesity, rape, abuse, injustice or crime. It's best to protect yourself by being in a positive vibrational energy all the time. The risk of attracting something you don't want is too great, so make it your practice to look the other way.

You're responsible! Yes, everything that happens in your life is your responsibility. Even events that seem out of your control are brought on by the magnetic energy of your thoughts. The downside is that you are also partially responsible for the Collective Social Consciousness that says, "It's not my problem." Yes, you're partially to blame for the holocaust, but don't worry about that. Let someone else worry about it who is ignorant about vibrational energy.

If you're reading this and shaking your head in unbelief, "The Secret Behind the Secret LOA" is for you. The book takes a critical look at "The Secret" as it examines it's magical thinking, something-for-nothing message, get-rich-quick appeal, and the "you're-one-product-away-from-success" upsell that's behind the bestselling book and movie.

Surprisingly, the authors admit that they'd love for the "Law of Attraction" to be possible. Contributing psychologist Kevin Hogan admits to doing a visualization exercise after discovering he had hyperkeratosis / Leukoplakia. Hogan found the surgical procedure for removing leukoplakia in a medical textbook, and memorized it. He then mentally performed the surgery on himself (by visualizing the operation in his mind) 50 times a day. When Hogan returned to the doctor, it was discovered that his hyperkeratosis was gone. It's a medical miracle that Hogan attributes to the "Attraction Factor" and priming (or using mental imagery to prepare your mind for the best possible outcome.) Hogan suggests the attraction factor is worth experimenting with, but admits it does not work all the time.

There are lots of gems in this book. Blair Warren says we think 60,000 thoughts daily, making self-monitoring (and consistent "good vibrations") just about impossible. Thinking isn't always black and white; as many things in life may feel bad (exercise, fasting, staying on a budget, etc) yet may be good for us. Dave Lakhani offers compelling reasons why "The Secret" resembles a cult, and suggests six alternative ways to get the edge. Bob Beverly shares seven keys to success and well-being.

Each of the four authors (Hogan, Warren, Lakhani, Beverly) take turns writing chapters, making this book a lot like a roundtable discussion. Together, they knock down the "house of cards" created by the Secret and it's followers. By reading this book, you too will be ready to offer an intelligent and sensitive rebuttal to "The Secret." Plus, think of all the time, money and energy you'll save by avoiding "Law of Attraction" books, cds, and seminars. That makes this book worth every penny of its cover price.

This book is recommended for anyone who had read or watched "The Secret" and wants to work through the issues surrounding the Law of Attraction. Personally, I've struggled with these issues myself, and this book really opened my eyes. Now, I realize that it's good to dream about what I want to accomplish in life, but "good vibrations" are not enough to make my dreams a reality.

Customer Review: Healthy tactics are NOT laws of science

Are state lotteries really a competition of who can visualize the hardest? I think not, but I heard this premise from a "Law of Attraction" platform seller.

Yes, positive thinking increases your likelihood of "attracting" positive results, but this is not a law of physics with replicable results. And, taking The Secret too seriously leads to rediculous assumptions. The victims of Virginia Tech did NOT "attract" their deaths. The Secret Behind The Secret discusses the ramifications of a well marketed movie taken too seriously by many. For the sake of your sanity and critical reasoning skills, if you have watched The Secret more than three times you need to buy this book.

I like The Secret. I'll watch it with friends. I'll give the movie to friends I imagine benefiting from concepts in The Secret. However, Law of Attraction zealots are like Christian Scientists who won't see a doctor to get an antibiotic when they are really sick.

If what you are thinking and doing aren't getting you the specific measurable results you expect, consider getting more scientific and taking action. Prayer may work, but simply thinking about winning doesn't make winners of all the lottery buyers.

No matter how much I visualize flying, gravity still works.

On the other hand:

"More people are humbugged by believing in too little than believing too much." --P.T. Barnum

how to manifest wealth

Friday, December 05, 2008

Thursday, December 04, 2008

law of attraction tips

Emily and Jacob Explore The Law of Attraction for Kids

Emily and Jacob Explore The Law of Attraction for Kids
We all want a better life! All of us want to be happy. We want the best for our children. They want more stuff! How do the thoughts we think affect our life? What does science have to say about our thoughts and The Law of Attraction? Emily and Jacob are just two regular kids talking about the facts and exploring possibilities. The best way to learn is by asking questions and they've got lots of them! Your kids will be captivated and inspired as Emily and Jacob explore the exciting world of quantum mechanics. Their practical examples for applying The Law of Attraction will teach your children how to create their own success. Emily and Jacob explore The Law of Attraction for Kids is an easy-to-understand conversation that will really make you think!

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

law of attraction video

The Complete Idiot's Guide to the Law of Attraction (Complete Idiot's Guide to)

The Complete Idiot's Guide to the Law of Attraction (Complete Idiot's Guide to)
The secret to getting what you want�

In The Complete Idiot�s Guide to the Law of Attraction, readers learn exactly how to be their own best friend�and avoid being their own worst enemy. The secret lies in translating thoughts into positive energy that can transform life. Every person can take real, concrete actions to get the results they want in every aspect of life.

� Concrete, practical strategies for applying the Law of Attraction to your health, relationships, and career

how to manifest wealth

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

master law of attraction

Law of Attraction for Business

Law of Attraction for Business
How to create a business or attract a job you LOVE. Do you love your work? You spend most of your waking hours on the job. Don't you owe it to yourself to be doing something you love? Toomany of us are overworked, underpaid, and trapped in jbos we don't enjoy. But it dosen't have to be that way. You can have the perfect job, carer, or business, once you understand the Law of Attraction and its effect on your life. The answers are all in this easy-to-read book.

Customer Review: Must Read !!

This book was an excellent choice. Extremely practical and insightful. The author encourages you to pursue your dream job or business. She helps you discover how to use practical, simple tools for identifying what is really the best fit for you personally career-wise. I gained so much clarity from the writing exercises and examples found in the book.

It is a must read for anyone that has a career or business or wants a start a new one !!

how to manifest your desires

Monday, December 01, 2008