Monday, December 29, 2008


Secret Source: The Law of Attraction Is One of Seven Ancient Hermetic Laws: Here Are the Other Six

Secret Source: The Law of Attraction Is One of Seven Ancient Hermetic Laws: Here Are the Other Six

The Secret Source reveals the actual occult doctrines that gave birth to "The Law of Attraction" and inspired the media phenomenon known as The Secret.

Why did The Secret divulge only one of the seven Hermetic Laws? What are the others, what do they say, and how could they enrich your life?

The Secret Source provides the actual texts and fascinating stories behind the "Emerald Tablet," the Kabbalistic treatise known as "The Kybalion," and Manly P. Hall's essay on the occult movement that produced it.

Maja D'Aoust lectures at the Philosophical Research Society; Adam Parfrey, editor of Apocalypse Culture, is writing a history of secret societies in America; and Jodi Wille is editing a book on the mystical commune known as "The Source." Manly P. Hall is the author of The Secret Teachings of All Ages.

Customer Review: Unveiling the Secret

The book The Secret Source might at first appear to be a outright criticism of the book The Secret or perhaps a book hoping to sell it's own brand of self help to confused consumers who mistake one title for the other but as good fortune would have it, it's neither. What The Secret Source offers is a highly detailed history of Prosperity Consciousness, the New Thought movement, Alchemy, Rosicrucianism, even Mesmerism and others and how they all can be traced back to Hermetic origins. It gets better though, the true story and recurring trend of Prosperity Consciousness doesn't exist in a historical bubble, the Secret Source shows the interlinked timeline of how it's Hermetic roots are bound within Christian, Judaic and Islamic history as well. The research in this book is highly detailed with all the major players, important texts, and movements laid out. The level of detail presented in this book is commendable and I'm sure in another life D'Aoust and Parfrey were detectives. One of the books strength is it's academic approach rather than being a self help book. Over 100 footnotes are present to site for anyone who would like to follow up with their own investigation. One criticism I would offer, though a very minor one at that, is that the order of some of the information in the early chapters seems to be not as well organized as it could have been for maximum comprehension. There is a lot of dense material to cover in the beginning of the book and for someone not completely acquainted with the subject there are a lot of names and connections to keep straight. Most chapters read like one major epiphany after the other. The authors make amazing connections and trace almost unbelievable timelines of major religious intrigue. I won't spoil it for the potential reader but I think one of my favorite things about this book is when it finally comes to the question of where do Hermetic Laws come from? Every great detective wants to peel away the layers of the onion but what happens when you get to the very last layer? What is the secret source of the secret source? It doesn't matter if you have never read The Secret to enjoy this book. You don't even have to know anything about hermeticism or the occult . Readers that like real life mysteries, history, religious study or anyone remotely curious about the self help trends they see in the media today can fully appreciate this book.

Customer Review: The Secret Source is THE Source of Secrets!

Sure, the law of attraction is a Universal Law, but not "THE" law,

and Prosperity Consciousness is nothing new. And neither are without their dangers. The Secret Source traces the seven Hermetic Laws back to ancient Egypt and Greece, showing how they filtered through various religions and into the mainstream consciousness of our modern world. Maja DAoust and Adam Parfrey wade through my favorite cast of characters and themes, including but not limited to the Rosacrucians, the Freemasons, Mesmer, Hermes Trisgmegistus, Thoth, Enochian Magick, the Tetrgrammaton, and much more.

This book presents the actual texts and hidden stories behind the likes of the "Emerald Tablet," and "The Kybalion." The beliefs of the New Thought movement that have given generations of hopeful sustenance to health and wealth seekers throughout time are exposed through the works of Wallace Wattles, Napoleon Hill and the Carnegies.

Not be missed is the chapter entitled "Horny Angelic Beings". Now, before you too excited, I'll warn that you won't be reading a saucy account of Raphael getting it on with the Daughters of Man while the Nephilim videotape. Although personally I must admit I've always been a bit hot for arch angel Zadkiel and his abiltity toss my atomic salad, bringing my molecules into perfected frequency with his song of the violet flame. Sorry readers. I couldn't help myself. After all, Maja is the archetypal sexy librarian of the Philosophical Research Society. PRS and its' amazing library of esoteric manuscripts was founded by Manly P. Hall (sage and author of The Secret Teachings of All Ages (Reader's Edition)), and the society's main mission is to provide thoughtful persons rare access to the depth and breadth of the world's wisdom literature. Parfrey runs Process Media and Feral House, publisher of high-quality books on forbidden topics.

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